To conserve, protect, rehabilitate and improve the rivers, streams, watercourses, ground-waters and water impoundments of the catchments comprising the rivers in Essex and Suffolk, including adjacent estuarine and coastal areas, for the advancement of environmental protection or improvement for the benefit of the public.
To advance the education of the public, or any association, institution, voluntary organisation, company, local authority, administrative or governmental agency or public body or representative body in: –
The understanding of rivers, river corridors, and river catchments, including their fauna, flora, biodiversity, economic or social activity, and river catchment management.
The need for, and benefits of, conservation, protection, rehabilitation and improvement of aquatic environments.
These aims will be delivered mainly through the delivery of practical projects, including those developed collaboratively with other organisations, including through the East Suffolk Catchment Partnership and Essex Rivers Hub.
Throughout ESRT’s work, a fundamental requirement will be effective consultation and co-operation with a wide range of individuals and organisations, including landowners, Local Authorities, Water Companies, the Environment Agency, and bodies with specific responsibilities for the environment, such as Natural England.

Rivers are the veins that feed our farmland and wildlife habitats and provide water for domestic and industrial use. They are hugely important for wildlife and people and yet many are in a poor state due to pollution, over-abstraction, modification, habitat loss and management neglect.
Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust wants to do something about this and over the next 20 years we will work with partners, landowners, farmers and local communities to bring about significant improvements. Following a catchment based approach we want to see:
Water quality improved and more places for safe bathing
Improvements to habitats and connectivity with Nature Recovery Networks
Natural flood management as the norm not the exception
Water resources able to meet human needs without compromise to wildlife
Innovative adaptation and mitigation approaches to tackling impacts from climate change
Nature at the heart of people’s engagement with the
environment, reducing waste, improving water quality and increasing biodiversity
We call this WIN WIN!

‘to protect, promote, and enhance our freshwater and estuarine ecosystems for both people and wildlife’
Over the next three years we will work in partnership to develop and implement a programme of practical projects focusing on conservation, restoration and enhancement of rivers and riparian habitats in Essex, Suffolk and the wider region.
We will take a strategic, influential, catchment-based approach, working with others, to embrace the river environment and the opportunities and challenges presented by surrounding land and its management.
We will also seek to influence national and regional policies to bring about positive environmental gains and benefits within an increasingly challenging spectrum of demands on water resources, rivers and aquatic environments.